Personal Information: Born in Pavia (Italy) on 5/5/1984 (age 36)
Researcher unique identifiers: ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8704-4222.
E-mail: giulia.grancini@unipv.it;
Researcher unique identifiers: ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8704-4222;
Highly-Cited Scientist 2020 and 2019 Publons (Web of Science Researcher ID AAH-3557-2019).
TRACK RECORD: H index=45 (from Google scholar); total number of citations >16900; most cited paper >6700 citations. Number of scientific Publications: 95 (one in Nature Materials, one in Science, one in Nature Photonics, one in Nature Reviews Materials), 2 patents, 30 invitation to international conferences. Since 2017, as PI I attracted funding from EU, MIUR, SNSF and industrial partners for 3,400,000 €.
Vice-Chair Selection Committee of the Young Academy of Europe (YAE) from 20/05/2019 – USERN Ambassador for Italy from 01/01/2020 – Member of “100 donne nella scienza contro gli stereotipi” Fondazione Bracco from 06/2020 – Member of 1 Million Women In Science campaign (from 05/2020) – Member of WiRE – Women in Renewable Energy (from 10/2020) – Member Gruppo2003. Invited Speaker “6th International Day of Women and Girls in Science”, at ONU (virtual), Royal Academy of Science International Trust (RASIT).
Associate Professor, PI of ERC Starting Grant “HYNANO” (1.5 M€), FARE project (300k€), CARIPLO (300k€) 01/07/2019
Principal Investigator (PI) of the European Project “HYNANO” (ERC H2020 StG 2018), aiming at the development of novel hybrid perovskites materials and innovative functional interfaces for efficient, cheap and stable photovoltaics.
Director of the PVsquared2 team of 12 people, leading international collaboration and projects with academic (i.e. Go for IT -CRUI PostDoc Fellowship at Dr. Stranks Lab, Physics Dept., Cambridge University) and industrial partner (i.e. PhD Scholarship funded by ENI Spa 2020-2023, UniPV referent for Accordo Quadro with EDISON, 2021, contracts ongoing). More at https://pvsquared2.unipv.it.
- Team Leader EPFL, PI of the Ambizione Energy Fellowship (740’000 CHF) 01/06/2016-30/06/2019
Mission: Fundamental physical understanding of perovskite solar cells. Team of 2 PhDs and 2Post-Docs.
- EPFL Fellow co-funded by Marie Skłodowska-Curie (68’000 CHF) 01/09/2015-31/05/2016
Mission: responsible for the investigation on photophysics behind the state-of-the-art efficient photovoltaic devices. Manager of the laser lab facility and of two PhDs. Co-PI of Synergia Project EPISODE (500K CHF) and of CTI project with Solaronix (760K CHF).
- Senior Post-Doc Researcher 01/01/2014-31/08/2015
Mission: Research on the fundamental photophysical and structural properties of hybrid perovskites. Management of ultrafast spectroscopy facility and daily-lab activities of a group of four PhD Students and two Master Students.
- Junior Post-Doc Researcher 01/01/2012-31/12/2013
Mission: Understanding the physics of hybrid materials used in optoelectronics with a special attention to hybrid system (TiO2/polymer); development of time resolved spectroscopic facility for monitoring electron dynamics in nanosecond timescale.
- Visiting Researcher 01/02/2013-15/04/2013
Mission: Development of ultrafast transient absorption setup for characterization of conjugated polymers.
- PhD Visiting Student 8/2010-04/2011
Mission: fabrication and optoelectronic characterization of dye-sensitized and hybrid solar cells- prototype realization on lab scale.
EDUCATION @ Politecnico di Milano, Physics Department, Milano, Italy
- Ph.D. cum Laude in Physics 21/02/2012 on Ultrafast Dynamics at Organic Interfaces for Photovoltaics. Supervisor: Prof. G. Lanzani
- Master Degree in Physical Engineering, Milano, 17/12/2008
Breakthrough contribution in the development of new functional interfaces based on hybrid perovskites, reaching world record perovskite photovoltaic device stability on this innovative recent technology
Seminal contributions on photophysical properties and processes in advanced photovoltaic devices and materials based on nanostructured organic and hybrid semiconductors.
Specific Technical skills on the development and management of state-of-the-art ultrafast optical spectroscopy for space and time resolved photophysical characterization (fs-ns).
Director of state-of-the-art lab facility for solution processable perovskite and organic solar cells fabrication, characterization and testing under real conditions.
Invited Speaker in 30 international conference of material research society; Inventor of 2 patents at Oxford University.
1. 2020 Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship from Royal Society of Chemistry
2. Highly Cited Researcher for 2020 and 2019 (ranking in the top 1% by citations for field and year), Web of Science
3. ERC Starting Grant 2018 (1.5 M €) – HY-NANO
4. USERN Laureate in Physical Science 2019, Budapest, 11/2019.
5. Swiss Physical Society Award 2018, 06/2018
6. IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Optics 2017 by the International Commission of Optics, 10/2017
7. National Award per la Fisica 2015 EDISON, in memoria di Francesco Somaini”, Milano, 2015 (10k€)
8. Ambizione Energy Fellowship SNSF PZENP2_173641 (740kCHF), 2017
9. Best Poster Award (3over 100) at International Conference SSSC14, Oxford 2014;
10. Best Oral Presentation (1over 40) at the WNCO 2011, Herrshing 2011;
11. Best Poster Award (1over 500) at ECME 2011 conference, Barcelona, 09/2011;
12. EOSAM 2010 Student Award as Best oral presentation at the EOS 2010 (1over 1000), Paris, 2010;
13. Best Poster Award at National School on molecular materials for photonics and electronics (1over 50).
14. Best Poster Award ACS Energy Letters PSCO2017, Oxford, 2017 (7over 200).
1. Principal Investigator (PI) of Cariplo Economia Circolare 2021 Green flexible hybrid perovskite solar module for the market: from smart lead manipulation to recycling FLHYPER, 300k € from 01/01/2021
2. Edison Spa: contratto 1 POST DOC and Research Program, 70k € from 01/02/2021
3. Go for IT – CRUI Post Doc Fellowship “Breaking the Efficiency Limit of Halide Perovskites Solar Cells by Imaging the Nanoscale Trap Density in Real Time” between UniPV and Cambridge, 30k € from 01/01/2021.
4. ENI Spa: 1 PhD Fellowhip for 2020-2023 “Celle solari 2D e 3D a base di perovskite”, 90k€
5. PI of the ERC Starting Grant (1.5 M €) – HY-NANO (802862) “HYbrid NANOstructured multi-functional interfaces for stable, efficient and eco-friendly photovoltaic devices, 01/07/2019
6. PI of project EXPRESS, FARE EXPRESS “EXploring Photoferroelectricity in halide peRovskitES for optoelectronicS” MIUR 2020 (299k €),12/06/2020
7 PI of the SNSF Ambizione Energy Grant (SNSF PZENP2_173641) HYPER “Engineering HYbrid multidimensional interfaces for high efficient and stable PERovskite solar cells” 05/2017-06/2019, 740k CHF
8. PI of the co-fund EPFL Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship, H2020 no. 665667 “Fundamental Physics behind high-efficient hybrid perovskite solar cells” 10/2015-05/2018 64kCHF
9. Co-PI of the SNSF Sinergia Grant: “EPISODE”, 06/2017 – 08/2019, 974k CHF
10. Co-PI of Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI) Project in Collaboration with Solaronix “Stable Perovskite Solar Cells: A new Paradigm in Renewable Energy” 07/2016 – 07/2019 760kCHF
11. PI of the Laserlab-Europe project CUSBO002194 Structural and Photophysical Diversity across sub-micrometer scale govern the performances of high efficient, 10k€, December 2015
1) G. Grancini, H. Snaith, Patent 8099 Dehns 11.95.109162 “Optoelectronic Device”, Isis Innovation Limited, Oxford University (2012).
2) G. Grancini, H. Snaith, Patent 8132 Dehns 11.95.109612 “Polymer/sensitizer solar cells”, Isis Innovation Limited, Oxford University (2013).
2021: nanoge Spring meeting, online; MRS Fall Meeting 2021
2020: IME 2020, Online Meeting, 150 participants (http://chifis.unipv.it/ime2020/), Chair; IEEE Calgary “Characterization Methods for the 47th IEEE PVSC conference”, online; Scientific Director of NV2020 with Accademia di Gagliato Globale, 07/2020;
2019: IMRS, Cancun, Aug 2019 https://www.mrs-mexico.org.mx/imrc2019/symposium-D1; Innovative Materials for Energy 2019, Messina, November 2019, IEEE Chicago for the 46th PVSC conference; MRS Fall Boston 2019
2018: IRSEC 2018, Morocco, Dec 2018
2020: MAPPIC Online, 26/10/2020; Campinas University CINE Webinar 16/07/2020; CH607 001_Chemistry Seminars at Oregon University, 15/10/2020; Nanoge SCHP 16/04/2020; Nanoge Fall Meeting PERFUN 20-23/10/2020; 5th USERN Congress 09/11/2020 Teheran; WiRE (Women in Renewable Energy) 16/10/2020; VIPERCON 14/04/2020 online; Nanoge Siviglia 23-26 / 02/2020;
2019: “Frontier Research: Creating Pathways to Sustainability”, ERCEA, 12/2019, Brussels; USERN 2019, Budapest, 11/2019; Graphchina2019, 10/2019, Xi’An, China; ISOPHOS School, Castiglione, Italy, 09/2019 IPEROP19, Kyoto, January 2019; KAUST Research Conference, Arabia Saudita, 02/2019; AOHM19 Dubrovnik, 03/2019.
2018: ITN Inform, Cyprus, 11/2018; SEPV2018, Barcelona,02/2018; BIAMS2018, Seoul, 06/2018; Graphene2018, Dresden, 06/2018;
2017: MRS Boston, USA, 12/2017; Lecture at Potsdam University, 04/2017; Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft Conference, Dresden, 03/2017; Invited Lecture at Giessen University, 02/2017; QEERI (Qatar Energy Foundation), Project Meeting, Doha, 02/2017;
2016: META Conference 2016 Malaga, 07/2016; Premio Europeo per la Fisica EPS-EDISON VOLTA 2016, 10/2016; “Laser Workshops” by Prof. H. Schwoerer, Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 10/2016; Lecture at EDISON SPA, 06/2016, Milano; Lecture at Eni SPA, 06/2016, Novara;
2015: Lecture at: EPFL, Lausanne 04/2015
2014: Plenary talk at SPSSC 2014, Oxford, 09/2014; Lecture at the European schools (Marie Curie ITN DESTINY, Oxford, 2014).
2013: SPIE2013, San Diego, 08/2013; International Workshop on Nanocarbon Optics 2013, Herrshing by Prof. T. Hertel; Physical Chemistry Colloquium at LMU by Prof. A.Hartschuh, 05/2013.
Chief Editor of the International Journal of Photoenergy, since 10/2018
Editor, Member of the Advisory Board for Jacs Au, Chem, SN applied science
Editorial Board of JPhys Materials, since 10/2020
Guest Editor: Special Issue on Perovskite-Based Devices, Chempluschem 2020
Guest Editor: Grand Challenges in Halide Perovskites: 2D, JPhys Materials 2020
Reviewer for the Office of Basic Energy Sciences of the US Dep. of Energy, French ANR, EU H2020 Projects such as ERC Starting Grant, for Research Foundation Flanders (fwo), KAUST, TUM, .
Member of PhD Commission at Physics, Oxford University, Chemistry, EPFL, Chemistry, University of Seville.
Advisory board of FET open project, Amolf centre, The Nederlands
Mentor in the Fix the Leaky Pipeline Program for female PhDs and postdocs in the ETH Domain, Switzerland.
Board Member of the Young Academy of Europe (YAE) from 20/05/2019; Vice-Chair of the Selection Committee of the YAE from 10/2020. USERN Ambassador for Italy from 01/01/2020.
Member of “100 donne nella scienza contro gli stereotipi” Fondazione Bracco from 06/2020.
Member of 1 Million Women In Science campaign from 05/2020.
Member of Gruppo2003.
Member of MRS Society since 2010.
Member of Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali (INSTM)